Dec 11, 2023 | News, News and current affairs
PAN BARCOS patrocina «X Carrera ‘ENTRE DINOSAURIOS’» Este año, nos sumamos como patrocinadores de diversos eventos deportivos, convencidos de la estrecha relación entre la salud y la vida. Valoramos la complementariedad del pan como fuente de hidratos,...
Mar 7, 2023 | News, News and current affairs
FEDER Operational Program 2021-2027 of Navarra This company/organization has received aid co-financed by the Government of Navarra and the European Regional Development Fund (40%) through the FEDER Operational Program 2021-2027 of Navarra Enpresa honek laguntza bat...
Feb 15, 2023 | News, Videos
Pan Barcos committed to the...
May 26, 2022 | News, News and current affairs
PAN BARCOS sponsors "the CYCLING race in Peralta" On this occasion, we inform you that Pan Barcos is committed to sport as a healthy way of life. That is why this company is once again in charge of collaborating with the cycling race in the...
May 18, 2022 | News, News and current affairs
Aid for investment in Industrial SMEs This company has received a subsidy from the Government of Navarra under the 2019 call for aid for investment in SMEs...