Our products
Cake shop
At Pan Barcos we care about the environment, which is why we have installed a self-consumption photovoltaic plant with a power of 2,000 KWP, achieving great environmental benefits in standard carbon savings and avoiding the emission of tons of CO2.

PAN BARCOS and FROZEN FOODS BARCOS selected for the Entrepreneur of the Year 2018 award
PAN BARCOS y ALIMENTOS CONGELADOS BARCOS, seleccionadas entre las 22 empresas navarras candidatas...

PAN BARCOS sponsors the V Rincon de Soto Night Race 2019
PAN BARCOS patrocina la V Carrera Nocturna Rincon de Soto que se celebrará el proximo 28 de...

PAN BARCOS sponsors the Navarra Women's Handball Team
PAN BARCOS patrocina a la Selección Femenina Navarra de Balonmano, ganadora de un oro y una plata...

Oier Zabaleta and Oinatz Echeverria from the Lodosa Sports Club
Oier Zabaleta y Oinatz Echeverria del Club Deportivo Lodosa, campeones Navarros 2018 del Torneo...

PAN BARCOS sponsors the V Alevín Tournament "Football 8 Villa de Peralta"
PAN BARCOS sponsors the V Alevín Tournament "Football 8 Villa de Peralta" on December 8, 2018

PAN BOATS with the XTM Vallacuera race
Como cada año, Pan Barcos colaboró con la...

PAN BARCOS sponsors the Aurora Club of Marcilla for another year
Las escuelas y los clubes deportivos son uno de...

PAN BARCOS collaborates with the Piedra Alta Women's Association
El pasado Domingo, 29 de Septiembre, se celebró...

PAN BARCOS sponsors the La Aurora athletic club
PAN BARCOS patrocinador del club atlético La...