
PAN BARCOS sponsors the La Aurora athletic club
PAN BARCOS sponsors the La Aurora athletic club

Visit of the students of the JUAN BAUTISTA IRURZUN SCHOOL in Peralta
Visit of the students of the JUAN BAUTISTA IRURZUN SCHOOL in Peralta

PAN BARCOS sponsors the II Edition of the Villa de Peralta Motor Day 2019
PAN BARCOS sponsors the II Edition of the Villa de Peralta Motor Day on May 18, 2019

PAN BARCOS sponsors the School Olympics of the Nuestra Señora de Ujue School
PAN BARCOS sponsors the School Olympics of the Nuestra Señora de Ujue School on May 10, 2019

NAVARRA SUMA visits the Pan Barcos facilities
Read the full story

PAN BARCOS receives one more year the students of the Colegio de San Adrián
Pan Barcos vuelve a abrir sus puertas a los alumnos de grado medio y superior de Alimentación del...

Pan Barcos sponsors the handball team
And history repeats itself one more year. Good luck champions! On to the next victory.

COE XIV Collaboration: Oncology Congress
Once again, Pan Barcos is collaborating in the 2019 Oncology Congress.

PAN BARCOS sponsors another good cause
Esta vez, Pan Barcos se une como patrocinador, a la causa benéfica que esta llevando a cabo el...

PAN BARCOS and FROZEN FOODS BARCOS selected for the Entrepreneur of the Year 2018 award
PAN BARCOS y ALIMENTOS CONGELADOS BARCOS, seleccionadas entre las 22 empresas navarras candidatas...

PAN BARCOS sponsors the V Rincon de Soto Night Race 2019
PAN BARCOS patrocina la V Carrera Nocturna Rincon de Soto que se celebrará el proximo 28 de...

PAN BARCOS sponsors the Navarra Women's Handball Team
PAN BARCOS patrocina a la Selección Femenina Navarra de Balonmano, ganadora de un oro y una plata...

PAN BARCOS sponsors «10th Race 'AMONG DINOSAURS'»
Este año, nos sumamos como patrocinadores de...

Pan Barcos: Sponsor of the Handball Event in Navarra
"Pan Barcos: Patrocinador del Evento de...

FEDER Operational Program 2021-2027 of Navarra
This company/organization has received a grant...