Jun 4, 2015 | News, News and current affairs
Bread, a story with a lot of substance Adding a portion of bread to each meal is a good way to cover the daily carbohydrate recommendations in the diet. Don't believe the false myths. Rediscover this food and enjoy it. Benefits of whole wheat bread Whole wheat bread is a good source of carbohydrates, which is why it is important to know how to eat it.
May 5, 2015 | News, News and current affairs
New Visit from the Peralta School We recently received a visit at the Bakery from the children who are in their 4th year of EGB at the Peralta School this year. They behaved wonderfully and followed all the explanations very well...
May 5, 2015 | News, News and current affairs
XLIV SCHOOL OLYMPICS “VALLE DEL ARAGÓN” Pan Barcos is a collaborator of the XLIV School Olympics “Valle de Aragón” that will take place on May 8 at 9:30 a.m. at the football field of...
Jan 27, 2015 | News, News and current affairs
Visit of students from IES de San Adrián Today, Tuesday 27th January, we received a visit from a large group of students from IES de San Adrian. Some of them had already come from home dressed in their white coats. We showed them our facilities and explained everything about the school.
Jan 22, 2015 | News, News and current affairs
Jornada gastronómica en Castellón El pasado martes 20 de enero, los productos Pan Barcos, estuvieron presentes en una jornada gastronómica celebrada por varias empresas en Castellón. Una gran selección de panes y bollería fueron expuestos y horneados delante de los...
Jan 7, 2015 | News, News and current affairs
Pan Barcos patrocinador del equipo Aurora de Marcilla Publicamos foto del equipo de fútbol Aurora de Marcilla del que Pan Barcos es patrocinador.¡Aupa...