Mar 4, 2019 | News, News and current affairs
Pan Barcos sponsors the handball team And history repeats itself one more year. Good luck champions! On to the next one...
Feb 20, 2019 | News, News and current affairs
COE XIV Collaboration: Oncology Congress Once again this year, Pan Barcos collaborates in the Oncology Congress...
Feb 18, 2019 | News, News and current affairs
PAN BARCOS sponsors another good cause This time, Pan Barcos joins as a sponsor the charitable cause that the Teresiano del Pilar Flea Market is carrying out....
Jan 30, 2019 | News, News and current affairs
PAN BARCOS and ALIMENTOS CONGELADOS BARCOS selected for the 2018 Entrepreneur of the Year award PAN BARCOS and ALIMENTOS CONGELADOS BARCOS, selected from among the 22 Navarrese companies nominated for the “Entrepreneur of the Year 2018” award Read...
Jan 30, 2019 | News, News and current affairs
PAN BARCOS sponsors the V Rincon de Soto Night Race 2019 PAN BARCOS sponsors the V Rincon de Soto Night Race that will be held on February 28...
Jan 15, 2019 | News, News and current affairs
PAN BARCOS sponsors the Navarra Women's Handball Team PAN BARCOS sponsors the Navarra Women's Handball Team, winner of a gold and a silver medal in the Navarra Women's Handball Championship.